Exploring Audley Rollen’s Latest Song: God nuh Wear Pajamas

by Howard Campbell

SOUTH FLORIDA – The political silly season is in high gear and those seeking votes for public office are making all kinds of promises. One man who is not impressed is Audley Rollen, who takes politicians to task in God nuh Wear Pajamas, his latest song.

Rollen, who co-produced the song with Willie Lindo, is wary of politicians. He’s especially wary of those who fail to deliver once elected to office.

Audley Rollen

“I’m turned off by the behavior of politicians including those who try to be evasive by hiding behind the label of a public servant. They use the media, our music for which so many have suffered while they were nowhere to be found, but now that the world has embraced our music they are jumping on the bandwagon as MCs and hosts, to promote themselves in an effort to obtain visibility, name recognition and popularity to get elected or to be re-elected. After they’re elected or re-elected, they laugh all the way to the bank while their constituency suffers,” said an angry Rollen.

The South Florida-based singer has seen his share of shady politicians. Including going back to the 1960s when he lived in Kingston, Jamaica. It was the norm for persons running for parliament, to dangle outrageous rewards before constituents to get their votes.

Rollen, who has also lived in Philadelphia, noted that such behavior is no different in the United States. Especially, where regional politicians are just as aggressive as their national counterparts.

“Disgusting career politicians enter office with very little or in some cases nothing and in a short time they are millionaires, and unfortunately, it’s not limited to any one geographic location, it’s widespread,” he said.

An ordained pastor, Rollen’s career started in the late 1950s on the Vere Johns Opportunity Hour, a talent contest that attracted promising Jamaican acts. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was a member of The Hippy Boys and Youth Professionals bands, and had a major hit as a solo act with Repatriation is A Must.

Rollen has had several hit songs in recent years including Never Knew Love Until You.